Here is a brief rundown of the Fire 7’s specs: Facebook is better than on my little iPhone, but there are some features of Facebook and Messenger that I just don’t care for on the 7″ Fire.
The 7″ screen is its best feature, and being able to read Kindle books on a genuine Kindle device beats reading on a 4″ iPhone screen or using the Mac app by a lot. Ideally, I’ll have an iPhone 6S someday (the Plus is too big to use as a phone but great around the house), but for $30, I decided to give the Amazon Fire 7 a try. Facebook on a small iPhone is not a great experience, Clash of Clans and Euchre 3D, about the extent of my gaming, can be hard to read. It was only $30 on Black Friday, and the 4″ screen on my iPhone 5 wasn’t particularly kind to my eyes.